How to Allow Users to Self Assign Their Roles on Discord Server

How to Allow Users to Self Assign Their Roles on Discord Server:

To allow users to self-assign their roles on a Discord server, you will need to create a role that users can assign to themselves and then set up a reaction role system. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Create a new role: On the server, go to the “Server Settings” and then click on the “Roles” tab. Click on the “Create a Role” button and give the role a name and any desired permissions.
  2. Set up the reaction role system: To set up the reaction role system, you will need to use a bot. There are many bots available that allow you to create reaction roles, such as Dyno, MEE6, and YAGPDB. Once you have chosen a bot, follow the instructions for setting up a reaction role system.
  3. Set the role as self-assignable: To allow users to self-assign the role, you will need to set the role as self-assignable. To do this, go to the “Server Settings” and click on the “Roles” tab. Find the role you want to make self-assignable and click on the “Edit” button. Then, check the “Allow Members to Assign Themselves this Role” option.

Once you have set up the reaction role system and made the role self-assignable, users will be able to self-assign the role by reacting to a message with the designated emoji. Keep in mind that you will need to have the “Manage Roles” permission in order to create and manage roles on the server.