How to Use Carl Bot for Roles on Discord

How to Use Carl Bot for Roles on Discord. Carl-bot is a customizable Discord bot that can be used to manage roles within a Discord server. Here’s how to use Carl-bot for roles on Discord:

Invite Carl-bot to your Discord server

To use Carl-bot on your server, you will need to invite it first. To do this, go to the Carl-bot website (https:// carl .gg/) and click the “Invite” button. This will open a new window where you can select the server you want to invite Carl-bot to.

Configure Carl-bot’s role permissions

Once Carl-bot has been added to your server, you will need to give it the necessary permissions to manage roles. To do this, go to your server’s settings and click the “Roles” tab. Find the Carl-bot role and give it the “Manage Roles” permission.

Create a new role

To create a new role using Carl-bot, you will need to use the “!createrole” command. For example, if you want to create a new role called “Moderator,” you would type “!createrole Moderator” in the Discord chat.

Assign roles to users

To assign a role to a user using Carl-bot, you will need to use the “!addrole” command. For example, if you want to give the “Moderator” role to a user named “John,” you would type “!addrole @John Moderator” in the Discord chat.

Remove roles from users

To remove a role from a user using Carl-bot, you will need to use the “!removerole” command. For example, if you want to remove the “Moderator” role from a user named “John,” you would type “!removerole @John Moderator” in the Discord chat.

Note: You will need to have the “Manage Roles” permission to use the “!createrole,” “!addrole,” and “!removerole” commands.